
18 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 55 Reviews

Awesome work, thanks for sharing, I still dont think the top is too crowded. I hope you have great day!

pinkplasticbag responds:

yay, thank you :D. hope you have great day too

"Ew" sums this up pretty accurately. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

WickedSyrup responds:

I appreciate the kind words! This may or may not be based on a real person.

Disgusting and catchy! Thanks for sharing and i hope you have a great day!

koit responds:

Thanks kindly - you too :)

What a twist! Did laugh. Great work thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

GlorpTheComedyMonste responds:

thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed :)

Looking great. Nothing much sadder than a person crying into a bowl of ice cream. Keep it up cant wait to see what's next! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

jaxinabox responds:

Thank you very much!
I appreciate it, I hope you have a great day as well!!

This clearly took some time and your effort shows. Love a boss lady and.. well anyone that calls their friend's mother "wonderful". Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

JayrockArts responds:

thank you very much dude appreciate it

Cute, accurate, and OMG the voice acting! I could listen to that cat read the dictionary!

Barvem responds:

I agree, and I been told I'm not too bad at doing that voice, but that wasn't my voice sadly. It's just a little meme vid. I am being kind of suggested to do my own voice in my next group of vids though, I might. But yeah, I don't claim any rights to that lol. Thanks for liking it though! It's my first full vid I made, so I'm proud of it :)


Marco-Max responds:

Thank you!

Hey there! Just a person that loves cartoons and animation. I hope you are smiling today!

Keebler Elf

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